Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 2007 Wine Tasting in Green Valley and the Russian River Valley - Overview

Two weekends ago, my wife and I made a trip to Green Valley and the Russian River Valley. We only spent one night in the wine country, be we managed to pack in a fair amount of fun and exploration. I will soon be posting reviews of all our stops, along with some additional commentary on some other favorites that we skipped over this time around.

Here is a quick listing of some the places we visited:

Wineries / Tasting Rooms:


Food – Restaurant:

Food – Deli / Market:

Cultural / Other

Monday, March 26, 2007

Robert Parker Channeling My Pinot Tastes?

Maybe he's merely trying to curry favor with me, but am I the only one who finds a little to much overlap for comfort in Robert Parker's recent listing of his favorite California pinot noir producers?

Our short lists both include Hartford Court and Martinelli; he is also a fan of Rochioli, which I include in my list of Russian River tasting suggestions. Herein lies the one crucial difference between Parker and yours truly: access to great wines from the small superstar producers. You can taste some of the larger production wines at the Rochioli tasting room, but, last I checked, they had a waiting list of six years to get access to their premium wines. Parker's two other Russian River favorites, Kistler and Marcassin, are similarly difficult -- and expensive -- to come by. If you have $300-525 lying around and want to take a flyer on Marcassin pinot, you can find some of them on the Web, if you search diligently.

Unlike Parker, I am still waiting for an invitation to taste 16 Marcassin wines at one sitting.